Whiskas - Purr More

Whiskas have teamed up with cat-composer (yes really) David Teie and released one of his tracks as a single, and asked me to make some visuals to go on top.


Client: AMV BBDO, Whiskas

Director: Daniel Stankler

Animation: Matt Partridge

Motion Graphics: Alon Sivan

Production Company: Strange Beast

So we decided to make a cat-dream. All the sequences were designed for cats - so they were composed of things cats love like fish, mice, and balls of yarn, using colours cats have been scientifically proven to like, like lilacs and blue. And we even imagined how, if a cats dream is anything like a human dream, bits of every day cat activities might leak into the dream - such as licking taps and running between human legs. 

The idea was we hoped a cat watching this might have a jolt of recognition, and a human viewer would have the closest glimpse into the mind of a cat that anyone could ever reasonably expect to have! 


Let Love Live On


School of Life, Intimacy and Closeness